I have been using these pages to justify talking to myself. I realize that by putting things on the internet I risk hurting or embarrassing others. I am not on a quest to "help anyone" or "be a shining light in the darkness". My goal is just to sort out the mess inside my head and remember that I do need to let God be in control.
Transitions are extremely difficult.The keeping together of my family while getting myself together is difficult. I'm watching my oldest try to be an adult and being prepared if she crashes and burns is tough on my mommy's heart. The two boys are just forging ahead into the teen years and I'm not even ready for that minefield. The youngest is still my last chance at getting it almost right. Yet circumstances in her life have thrown a kink in our calm.
The latest transition has to do with my husband retiring. After 23 years in his current career (active duty), he is moving on to his dream job (law enforcement). While I am glad he is finally getting to live his dream, I adjust to a decrease in household budget, increase in danger to his life (ironically), and the crazy schedule changes every 2 months. I find it hard to pray most days because I know I have irritation about the whole situation. So I find myself talking to God one sentence at a time. So far the irritation has stayed just that and not turned into resentment which is deadly in a marriage. Any useful advice? (Keep it positive please)